This section is designed to provide you with essential information about key aspects of the Competition Ordinance, enabling you to conduct your business in a legally compliant manner.
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Companies risk breaching competition law not only because of the conduct of their directors or managers, but also through the actions of their junior staff. This Risk Assessment Tool (RAT) aims at helping you identify how staff might engage in conduct that gives rise to risk for your company. When considering the questions in the RAT, do not answer how you would act, but how your less prudent colleagues would.
This RAT is designed for SMEs, focusing on risks that SMEs are likely to face. Please note the following points when using the RAT. First, the RAT does not cover all possible risks, for example, those related to the abuse of market power. Second, the RAT is no substitute for a detailed risk assessment conducted by a professional. You are advised to seek independent professional advice if in doubt. Finally, to maximise the use of the RAT, you are encouraged to give honest answers. You can rest assured that the Commission will not collect any personal data from you via the RAT.
Like any other businesses, SMEs can fall victim to anti-competitive practices, such as suffering price increases as suppliers collude to inflate prices, or being squeezed by dominant companies. As there are no simple indicators of such practices, you should stay vigilant for any suspicious conduct.
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All businesses are encouraged to create a Competition Compliance Programme. The purpose is to ensure that throughout the organisation there is both a commitment to complying with the law and an understanding of what that means in practice.
For SMEs, such a programme can be straightforward. The Commission has designed a template programme intended for SMEs. To access the template, please click "More details" below.
A good understanding of the competition law is fundamental to setting up an effective compliance strategy. This quiz will test how much you know about competition law risks.
Companies can only be considered as “fixing prices” if they have an agreement to do so.